Ngāi Tahu Contemporary Visual Arts
Current Projects
Past Paemnau Projects
The main activity in the period ending June 2019 was a series of meetings and wananga (workshops) with DPAG (Dunedin Public Art Gallery) and Ngāi Tahu whanau in Otago.
The first was held at Moeraki 12-14 October 2018 with invited artists and guests. We visited Takiroa Rock Art Shelter and Maerewhenau to see the rock drawings and learn more about our ancestors and our history.
Paemanu had a workshop to explore ideas around the conceptual frameworks that there could be opportunities for, for the next Paemanu exhibition at DPAG.
The second wananga was at DPAG and Ōtākou 7-9 February 2018. We had an introductory workshop with the DPAG director and staff to develop a working relationship and to discuss cultural concepts and methodologies for a future exhibition project
The third wananga was at DPAG and Karitane 17-19 May 2019.
Project Concepts were workshopped for Paemanu exhibition at Dunedin Public Art Gallery through the collective approach of wananga (workshops) including an organised a research visit to Otago Museum and Hocken Library.
Paemanu workshop and updated Strategic Plan Kaupapa Auaha Ake KAA) for 2019-2024.
The main activity in the period ending June 2018 was staging the exhibition project Paemanu: Nohoaka Toi – Ngāi Tahu Artists in Residence at the Centre of contemporary Art (CoCA) held in Christchurch from 8 September – 26 November 2017.
Paemanu: Nohoaka Toi Public Programmes at CoCA offered Ngāi Tahu Whānui and the public the opportunity to engage with the Nohoaka Toi over the 3 months. These included:
• Kōrero with Paemanu, a panel discussion with the Curatorial Artists.
• Party Funtimes! an evening of rakatahi (kids) engagement in the space
• The launch of the publication Tāngata Ngāi Tahu by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
• A Māori and Pasifika Theatre hui facilitated by Paula Rigby,
• Print workshops for tamariki and for rakatahi
• Ah, Te Waipounamu your music remembers me – Brian Potiki on history plays, rock art, Tony Fomison and others .
• A “Travelling Tuataras” workshop with classes from Te Pā o Rākaihautū
• Campside Stories – Rock Art Symposium, with Paemanu and esteemed kaikōrero in wānanga about the context and place of our taoka tuhituhi neherā,
Project Concept and Project Design was developed for Paemanu Nohoaka Toi exhibition at CoCA through the collective approach of wananga (workshops).
Appointment of Project Co-ordinator for Paemanu Nohoaka Toi exhibition at CoCA was secured.
Public programme of events and activities was developed for Paemanu Nohoaka Toi exhibition at CoCA.
Public media copy was developed for Paemanu Nohoaka Toi exhibition at CoCA.
Launch of original Paemanu: Ngāi Tahu Contemporary Visual Arts website at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
The year was spent fine-tuning the Paemanu website, ironing out site problems. Further in-kind hours this year were volunteered by Wellington design firm Base Two, by trustee Neil Pardington, and by artists who have been testing the site, uploading content and providing feedback.